
5 Reasons to Choose Dental Implants

Jul 16 • 2 minute read

Dental implants are the healthiest and most effective restoration in both the short and long term. At Downtown Periodontics & Implant Dentistry, we provide patients with comprehensive implant treatment, allowing for returned comfort and aesthetics of a smile. 

We have created this guide to show some of the benefits of our Minneapolis implant-based restoration options.

1. Unmatched Restorative Stability

One of the primary benefits of dental implants is the stability they provide when eating, speaking, and more. Unlike traditional restorations, implants are not secured into the jaw by dental adhesives or appliances but are fused with the jawbone. This fusion of titanium implant posts to the jawbone ensures that patients don’t have to worry about their teeth shifting like they can with traditional dentures or unsecured appliances. Patients with implants can feel confident in their smile remaining steady.

2. Long-Term Jaw Health

The primary selling point of dental implants for doctors concerns their effect on the long-term health of the jaw. Traditional restorations rest on top of the jaw and do not stimulate the muscles or the underlying bone in the same way as natural, rooted teeth. This lack of stimulation leads to a deterioration of the bone, weakening the bite and causing a sunken appearance in the chin. However, implants act as the roots of the crown restoration, prompting continued jaw health and strengthening the bone in the same way as natural teeth.

3. Easy Teeth Care

Many patients are also pleased with the ease of care for implants. Individual restorations and more comprehensive implant-based prosthetics are able to be maintained with only a routine of brushing and flossing, as well as regular visits to your dentist. 

4. Natural Appearance and Feel

In addition to the stability and easy care of implant-based restorations, patients with dental implants can be confident in the natural appearance of their smile and the feel of their bite. The crowns used to cap dental implants are made using sturdy, natural-looking materials that are custom made to fit patients’ smiles. This combination of aesthetic and comfort makes it feel as though patients still have their natural teeth.

5. Greater Dietary Freedom

Unlike other traditional restorations, dental implants have few dietary limitations. Restorations held in place by appliances or dental adhesive often require a number of dietary restrictions in order to increase their longevity. Dental implants allow the greatest amount of bite and jaw function, only limiting patients’ diets according to the strength of the material used in the crown. 

To learn more about the benefits of dental implants, and whether you would qualify for implant-based restorations, contact Downtown Periodontics & Implant Dentistry today.

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